We are happy to announce that applications for new admissions at our Madrasah (YMA Sheffield) are now open for children born on or before 31st October 2019.
Application Forms are available on our website to download at: https://www.ymasheffield.org
and they are also available from Masjid Umar, Barnsley Rd, and both YMA offices.
Completed Admission forms should only be dropped off at the girl’s office via Gate No 3 at YMA on Petre St, between 11:00 am and 1:30 pm preferably by a female family member. Only hard-copy applications will be processed.
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 21st August 2024
The admission fee of £10 will be waived if forms are submitted before the above closing date.
Applications received after the date above will be accepted subject to the admission fee of £10 per child.
Please ensure you thoroughly read and understand our detailed policy before applying.
Successful applicants will be notified with further details of enrolment shortly after the deadline.
جزاكم الله خيرًا